sábado, 17 de julho de 2010

Special Topic to Shiori: My pretty, pretty, pretty japonese friendl!!!

Topic in English for Shiori (my pretty japonese friend)
Shiori is very modest.............ahauhauahuahauh.........she chose the topic title.....
Shiori is a japonese girl.......I wrote about she before........
Is dificult write about Shiori...........she is so cute and very funny!!
I love her way............I love her smile......
I think thats all...............

(I hate write in english!!!!)
(olha minha cara de ressaca!!)

Kisses Shiori..............(brazilian culture........ahauhauah)

Um comentário:

  1. Hi!! Thank you for writing this blog!! you are good friend for me! you are funny and sometimes sometimes sometimes you are kind! hahaha! we can't speak English very well now. so Let's practice together! I wanna speak more with you in English!! kisses Junior ←brazilian culture-(^^) hahaha♪


I will go back...

I will go back...